“Thrilling.” “Freeing.” “Mysterious.” ‘VERY fun to play!”


Experience the power of connection



Synch.Live is a live-action cooperation game that uses simple rules, wearable technology, and an intriguing game challenge to prime groups for connection and creative problem-solving.


Our technology is the first to measure collective movement in human groups with real-time feedback. The system tracks player positions and calculates group coherence, using a landmark algorithm.

Art + Science

A multidisciplinary project, created and directed by artist Hillary Leone, in collaboration with research scientists at Imperial College London, Queen Mary University of London, and University of Sussex – and an ever-widening global network of contributors.


Neuroscientists are using Synch.Live to study collective behavior. The research is already yielding insights about the social benefits of shared experience, physical synchrony and play.


Synch.Live offers a hopeful way forward in these divided times: a visceral, first-person experience of self-organization and a thrilling demonstration of collective human potential. Bring Synch.Live to your community!